Need advice!


My name is Megan. I have a golden retriever, named Liberty. She is about 1.5 years old. Unfortunately, back in May they diagnosed her with an aggressive form of osteosarcoma. We were told she would likely live a month without treatment and about 4-6 months if we were to amputate. Shocked by the diagnosis, I opted for pain management to keep her comfortable during her short time left. Well…. 6 months later, still a large regimen of medication, Libby has been doing fairly well.. only limping occasionally. We had been doing X-rays every month and it appeared the cancer wasn’t growing (we’d finally gotten the miracle we wanted!) Until about two weeks ago, Libby slipped on the hard wood floor and we ended up back at the vet. So, now we at looking at osteosarcoma, torn acl, and mild hip dysplasia. I am very very torn on what to do! I want the absolute best life for my pup and I would appreciate any advice. I am nervous for how she will respond to amputation, what her life will be like following the amputation, and so on. Before the fall, she did not appear to be in much pain. I could touch/rub her leg, she would run and play like nothing was holding her back. However, now her limp is more consistent, her gait is very awkward, and we have the occasional bad night where she just cannot get comfortable so she moansĀ the majority of the night. I know in my heart she isn’t ready to be put down because she still eats, plays, and loves company, but I feel like continuing the medication will only lead to other problems such as liver failure. Plus, her quality of life is not where I want it to be. Sorry for the overload of information!! I need help!! What should I do!? I hate to see my baby suffer, but I worry putting her through the amputation surgery/recovery will cause more pain/sadness for her. Any input is appreciated!

Thank you,

Megan and Liberty!